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Hyèrois forests

A green setting

Around the town of Hyères, with the Borrels, the Maurettes, the Fenouillet, the Mont des Oiseaux and the Costebelle hills, Hyères’ forested areas are an ecological and scenic asset, as well as popular recreational areas.

However, like all wooded areas in the Mediterranean climate, where summer drought is rife, this heritage is threatened by the risk of wildfire, which the town is strongly committed to combating, and calls on all users to be vigilant. Depending on their age, the nature of the substrate and, above all, the way they have been managed, Mediterranean forests present different profiles:

massifs forestiers m
Photo credit: Hyères-tourisme

These different habitats are home to a wide variety of fauna : wild boar, garter snakes, orvets, Hermann’s tortoise (a species protected by law and whose collection is prohibited), southern tree frog, etc.

In addition, this part of the Maures is particularly rich in breeding birds, some of which are remarkable for their European protection status: sparrow hawks, kestrels, red-legged partridges, owls, scops owls, woodl larks, pitchou warblers, red-backed shrikes, nightjars, etc.

Behavioural instructions :

  • Respect the ban on access to forest areas when the A.L.A.R.M. plan is activated.
  • Do not smoke or light fires in the forest.
  • Do not litter.